Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Proverbial BUT!

"I agree with you -----, I'm not prejudice -----, It looks nice -----,
I will help -----, It feels good -----, It doesn't matter -----,
I don't want to be rude -----."

All the time I hear it! Said repeatedly, everyday.
Every statement said above is followed by: BUT!

If you agree with me, there is no BUT!
If you will help, there is no BUT!

You either will do it, are going to help, or think it does look nice.

"THERE IS no BUT about it!"

BUT should never follow any statement. If it does, it immediately negates what you have said.

Please, no more BUTS! make it a PERIOD! instead.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ice Cream, by any other name?

As I quite often do, on returning home from the post office, I stopped at the grocery store for a few things. I was waiting in line at the check-out, when I felt a tug on my skirt and a small voice "Lady, what's that you have?"

Turning around, I saw a small boy standing with his dad. I looked at my purchases and told him; "Ice Cream". 'Uh-ah', he said 'that doesn't look like ice cream!'.

Yes, it's Rollo-twist and Tin-roof-Sundae ice cream, I said.

He turned to his dad, and asked if they could get some too! His dad said that they already had ice cream at home.

"Nope, we don't, vanilla isn't ice cream!" he said.

So, to a child ice cream is fanciful flavours, not plain old vanilla.

Like life, if we don't give children variety, their out look on the world will be just plain old vanilla!